Puppies have to be vaccinated a couple of times in their young life – we like our puppies to stay until 10 weeks so that we can do the third vaccination for you and save you a trip to the vet.
Puppies are vaccinated against Parvo/Distemper/Catflu – call it what you will – all the names are on the little stickers that appear on your vaccination card – all fall under one umbrella, let’s call it PARVO VIRUS, and all are puppy killers! For some reason, all puppies that have black and tan colouring (like Rottweilers, Dobermans, Daschund) are more susceptible to PARVO VIRUS than other breeds of dogs – and that is why it is so important to take heed of the following advice:
Anybody who has sat around my kitchen table for a coffee or a drink when collecting their puppy has heard my theory about how to keep your puppy as safe as possible and limit his or her exposure to PARVO VIRUS. It makes perfect sense to me that the vet’s rooms are swarming with PARVO VIRUS – after all, in the back, where you cannot see them, are the (desperately ill) PARVO VIRUS puppies – lying in cages attached to a drip and PARVO VIRUS being ejected from the front and the back in the form of blood and diaorrhea and vomit – it is not a pretty picture!! That virus is in the air, and no amount of disinfectant can filter it out of the air.
Not quite sure how it happens that most receptionist at Vet’s rooms are quite scary – they seem to manage to intimidate all sorts of people into obeying their every command haha – and most of them still try to insist that the puppy should come into the rooms because everything is spotless in their rooms – yeah right!
PLEASE! If the vet is not willing to vaccinate your puppy while it is sitting safely on your lap, then please just go to another vet – it is that simple. Charges for vaccinations are astronomical – the actual vaccine vial costs around R50 and a squirt of Antezole dewormer about R5 – so the bill of R500 or more should be more than enough to cover the vet walking to your car! Sure there are vets who are happy to do the vaccinations outside, but if your chosen vet is not one of those, rather just go home and leave the vaccinations altogether – let me put it on record here that I have said that it is safer to not vaccinate your puppy than it is to expose him to vet’s rooms!
My very first puppy, Quanta got PARVO VIRUS – I have never ever forgotten the lesson I learnt with that experience – and I know that she got it at the vet – as a result of my being all conscientious and doing the right thing and vaccinating my beautiful puppy – she nearly died and never fully recovered – stayed small and never grew into the dog that she should have been. So, I have been telling this same story for almost 30 years – That’s my story and I am sticking to it!